Winton Ireland Strom & Green and a Whole Lotta (cool) Cars!

screen-shot-2016-10-25-at-10-01-58-pmHoly smokes. Who knew we had so many cool cars in Turlock? Well, Jeremy Benjamin at Winton-Ireland Strom & Green always has, which is why, along with early inspiration from Hagerty Insurance, the event has been in the running for four years. One Saturday morning each October car aficionados and collectors cruise over to the WISG parking lot for celebrated antique and exotic cars…and coffee (as you might have guessed). We can tell you the cars are sweet, the coffee yummy – and oh, the breakfast sandwiches delicious.

photo-oct-22-9-56-34-amWISG is a founding HeyFave member, and a community favorite. Along with fantastic insurance know-how and wonderful staff, WISG knows how to throw an event! We’re excited to share various WISG happenings that will be taking place throughout the year, including their involvement with their Relay for Life team, “Insure for a Cure,” that benefits the American Cancer Society.