
Turlock Restaurant Week Menus


Locals and out-of-towners- it’s time to prepare your bellies for the 10-day food frenzy because Turlock Restaurant Week is finally here! Starting Jan. 19-28, Turlockians and foodies all-around have the…

Tam-Tam Talent Show & Fundraiser


Hey Turlockians! We want to remind all of you that a fabulous event is happening right here in Turlock on the evening of Saturday, January 27th, 2018…  It’s the Turlock…

The 2018 HeyTurlock Guide to Kindergarten Registration


Hey, Turlock! Last January, we published a blog post about Kindergarten registration with the Turlock Unified School District – I (Hilary) had just gone through the process with my son…

Turlock Restaurant Week


Diners, Lick Your Chops! Restaurants, Light Your Stoves! Introducing Turlock‘s Newest Food Experience: A 10-Day Food Extravaganza Throughout the Town at Our Beloved Restaurants! Big News!  In just a few short…

Holiday Guide 2017: Volunteer Opportunities


Step away from Christmas shopping and dedicate a couple days to give back to those in need this holiday. Spread the love all over T-Town!! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES DEC 12 Medeiros…

Holiday Guide 2017: Concerts, Performances, & Services


Want to engage in something that’s a little more meaningful this holiday season? Turlock has an abundance of church services, celebrations, & intimate gatherings! There’s something for everyone! CONCERTS, PERFORMANCES,…

Holiday Guide 2017: For the Family


Make some holiday memories as a family! You’ll definitely get insta-worthy pics from these festive events happening in Turlock! From crafts to concerts to dinner with Santa- this will be…

Holiday Guide 2017: For the Grown-Ups


Adulting can be such a drain! Give yourself some “me” time by participating in any of these activities and forget about your shopping list for at least an hour! You…

Holiday Guide 2017: Shopping Events


We can all agree that we start to break a sweat when it comes to Christmas shopping- especially when we have no idea WHERE to shop! Below are local shopping…

Holiday Shopping & Event Guide 2017


It’s the most wonderful time of the year in Turlock! Stuff the stockings! Trim the tree! Make your shopping list and check it twice! With our Holiday Guide, you can…